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WMT wellness massage
Mobile classic wellness massage
for men
In your own home or in a hotel in Reutlingen, Stuttgart and the surrounding area.
No stressful traffic and time to get there,because I'm visiting you.
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Massage is probably the oldest remedy in the world and has consolidated this tradition across all cultures.
If you're actively exercising or working out, a good massage will soothe and relax tight muscles, relieve pain from injuries, and even help with recovery. Old injuries, new injuries or simply sleeping on the pillow incorrectly and now being unable to turn your neck for five working days - all of this could be remedied with a massage.
You may even need a massage after a long flight. Do you fly a lot for work or are you planning a worldwide vacation? “On a plane you sit still and your body atrophies. You’re immobilized, under pressure, and in a weird position, so your body is naturally stressed,” says Kiamco. “A good massage helps relieve stress, stretches you out and sends you out into the world feeling refreshed. In general, it is a great way to relieve stress, relax and remove toxins from your body. You’ll sleep better and think more clearly.”
1 hr 30 min
75 euros1 hr
60 euros45 min
50 euros1 hr
60 euros1 hr 30 min
Die Art des Paket1 hr 45 min
100 euros2 hr
120 euros30 min
35 euros
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“The greatest wealth is health”
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