Partial body massage, back massage
Massages can be given as a full body massage or as a partial body massage, where a back massage is particularly important. Each massage should be unique and individually tailored to the needs and circumstances of the customer.
Partial body/back massage works
More and more people are working sitting down, working days are getting longer and are becoming increasingly stressed. The muscles cramp and tension occurs, which can often lead to severe pain.
Different grips are used for the back massage (e.g. stroking, kneading, rubbing, tapping, etc.).
The main works:
Performed extensively and slowly, they have a calming effect on the autonomic nervous system, reducing tone on the muscles and soft tissue and activating the lymphatic system and venous return, i.e. decongesting.
Kneading Massively stimulate blood circulation and thus metabolism in the tissue, so that nutrition and efficiency of the muscles are improved.
Massage stretches fiber structures and loosens adhesions in muscles and fascia tissue.
Relaxing and loosening
Extremely stimulating to blood circulation and provides a stimulus to the superficial body structure
The liquid saturated with metabolic products is transported away and fresh Tissue fluid can flow in.